Scheduled buildings in Guaxupé city - MG / Edifícios tombados na cidade de Guaxupé - MG




Guaxupé is a city in the countryside of the state of Minas Gerais. It had its beginning in the first half of the 19th Century, and achieved its climax in the early part of the 20th Century with the arrival of the train tracks. Before the advent of coffee crop agriculture, the city, as well as all other urban nuclei established in the region, was very poor, and its architecture reflected only a traditional technique of the Brazilian colonial period named taipa, where only knowledge and materials available in the local region were used. With the train tracks, this scenario changed completely. Not only could the coffee crop production more easily reach the port of Santos to be exported, but also foreign construction material from Europe could be imported into the region through the cargo trains. This imported material could now be used in new residences, and also in old ones which then assumed a new dressing, adapting therefore to a new style named ecletismo. Supporting this revolution were the immigrants, primarily Italians, who would bring novelties from the Old World, setting the city within the then modern thought of that era. Many of the buildings from that period (beginning of the 20th Century) still stand today, resisting time and development pressures of the 21st Century, and survive under close scrutiny of people concerned with their preservation. Some of these people are involved in the actions of the local Historical Estate Council of Guaxupé. This thesis aims at presenting such actions as a form of contribution to the national discussion on the theme of Building Preservation.


preservação guaxupé - mg guaxupé - mg patrimônio histórico preservation historical heritage

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