Saúde física e mental dos instrutores do SENAI-MS a partir da análise ergonômica do trabalho e da auto - avaliação




The subject of this research was to describe the mental and physical health of teachers/instructors from SENAI (an institucional brasilian industrial learning service), in Campo Grande, MS, from work ergonomic analysis (AET) and self-avaliation, and is caractherized as qualitative and quantitative field work, with collecting and avaliation procedures held inside the institution. This research was based on ergonomy and bibliographical sources, trying to call attention to professional dificulties faced by this class of teachers, in a theorical/pratical point of view in the analysed institution. Throughout observations, questionnaires and relations, the variables were identified on the instructorss activities, whom dont discern how hard is the job in relation to their mental and physical health. Although the collected datas arent so significative, it is considered to exist conjunctural problems that involves working conditions. There are furnitures, machines and tools in inadequate ergonomic structure, standing out physical aspects and showing mental aspects with weak motivation levels.


ergonomia; qualidade de vida no trabalho; saúde física; saúde mental ergonomia ergonomy saúde física e mental. análise ergonômica mental and physical health. psicologia ergonomic analysis

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