Saúde bucal no Programa Saúde da Família no município de São Paulo: uma perspectiva do usuário / Buccal health in Family Health Program in the city of São Paulo: the patients perceptions.




Introduction This study aims to analyze the recent insertion of oral health in the Family Health Program PSF considering link, access, integrity of attention and in to oral problems resolution. Buccal Health, which has always been apart from health public politics in this country, has now the opportunity to, at last, be part of the Unified Health System. Objective Identify opinions, perceptions and necessities of the adults patients from Vila Espanhola UBS (Health Basic Unity), São Paulo city, in relation to dental health and the service of attention to buccal health offered by the PSF. Methodology Qualitative research made of the following steps: systematic observation of the activities done by the buccal health team of the studied UBS, and interview with the adult patients, older than 18, that had any kind of attention in the past six months. In the analyses phase, we opted by the content analysis. Results: It was done 25 interviews and it was noticed that the insertion of PSF increased the access of the studied population in the UBS region, however this increase brought a bigger demand by specialized oral services. The patients are not being able to have access to those secondary attentions in buccal health. The interviews also brought some patients question such as the constant changing of the dentists in the team - compromising the link, lack of patients autonomy in relation to their own oral health, lack of credibility of public politics, the roll of the ACS in the team, the way how it is applied the equity principle to prioritize the cares. Conclusion: The insertion of buccal health in the PSF brought some advances, however it needs to be reevaluated to really reach its main proposals as integrality of attention, equity among others needs.


programa saúde da família family health program psf percepção do usuário patients perceptions saúde bucal coletiva collective buccal health

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