Saresp 2005: as vicissitudes da avaliação em uma escola da rede estadual. / Saresp 2005: the mutability of evaluation in a state school.




This work addresses, based on a study case, the problems caused by the Schooling Evaluation System in the State of Sao Paulo (SARESP) in the dynamics of a state school located in the extended area of Sao Paulo City, during the evaluation process in 2005. The objective of this study was to investigate the steps followed by the school, and to assess how this system intersected with the goals established by the Secretary of Education of the State of Sao Paulo (SEE-SP). This study was founded upon information collected at the school through observation, and from a questionnaire administered to teachers, from group discussions with teachers, the director, the vice director and a teaching coordinator, in addition to the analysis of documents produced by the school, by the Board of Education and by the SEE-SP. The analysis of this information helped to understand the evaluation process and supported the hypothesis that the evaluation by an external system may cause serious repercussions in the school dynamics. Thus, this work indicates that further research is necessary to study the hypotheses raised herein. This is fundamental for the improvement of evaluations on a large scale in our educational systems, which will outline new directions for educational managers.


saresp evaluation of systems assessment on a large scale saresp avaliação de sistemas avaliação em larga escala

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