Salga na massa para o queijo tipo prato




With the purpose of facilitating and accelerating the salting of "Lanche" cheese, a variety of "Prato" Brazilian cheese, this work was undertaken to study the possibility performing the salting process directly in the drained particles shortly before a preliminary pressing in the of curd cheese vat. All the other steps followed the standard manufacturing procedure recommended by the Cândido Tostes" Dairy Institute in Juiz de Fora, MG- Brazil. The results obtained in the preliminary phase of this work indicated a need of slight modifications in the usual manufacturing procedure in order to compensa te the potential dehydrating effect of salt in direct contact with the curd. Increasing the milk acidity before adding rennet,cutting the curd into slightly larger particles, stopping the cooking. cess a little sooner and applying more pressure in the final pressing were, fundamentally, the modifications introduced. The following amounts of sal t added to the curd particles were tested: 2.0%, 2.25%, 2.5%, and 3.0%. Additions par above 2.0%, besides inhibiting the ripening of the cheese, produced hard and salty cheeses. The effect of inhibition of tic culture increased progressively with the increase in the proportion of salt added. Experimental cheeses which received 2.0% sal in curd had a final salt content of 1.6% and a moisture lac i n the the content


queijarias laticinios

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