Salaried labor market in brazilian agriculture over 1992-2004 and its regional differences / O mercado de trabalho assalariado na agricultura brasileira no periodo 1992-2004 e suas diferenciações regionais




This thesis analyzed not only the evolution of the main characteristics and the quality of the employment in salaried agricultural labor market but also the life conditions of the employees families in Brazilian agriculture in the period 1992-2004, based on the National Household Sample Survey (Pnad) data. For the analysis, two synthetic indexes were built for the permanent and temporary employees and respective families, resident in rural and urban areas of the Great Regions of Brazil. The Employment Quality Index (EQI), also calculated for six crops, was built assembling 14 indicators that considered four dimensions: employees educational level; employment degree of formality; main work income; and benefits received by the employees. The Life Conditions Index (LCI) was built assembling 17 selected indicators, in order the measure four relevant dimensions in the families? daily life: the households? characteristics; the access to public services; the access to durable goods; and the family average income. The results showed that important improvements took place in the period, obviously not homogeneous for all the Regions, all the selected crops, all the workers categories and all the analyzed family types. Regarding to the employment quality, the main result was the polarization tendency in the salaried agricultural labor market, in spite of the EQIs? increases in almost all the employees? categories. In 2004, the best employment conditions happened at the Center-West Region, while the worst happened in the Northeast. In spite of the important progresses in the temporary employees category, the EQI of the permanent ones was even much higher. Concerning the selected crops, the data showed better employment conditions in the international commodities vis-à-vis the traditional domestic ones. The partial indexes that mostly contributed to the progress of all the employees? categories were the main work income and the degree of formality. In the evolution of life conditions of the employees families progresses took place in practically all the types of agricultural families and plural active families in all the Regions. It is important to evidence is that there were sensitive reductions in the differences of LCI between the plural active families and the agricultural ones, especially in the partial indexes regarded to the household conditions and to the access to the public services. The largest LCIs were registered for urban families, plural active families and families of permanent employees. In opposition, the lowest LCIs were the one of the rural families, agricultural families and families of temporary employees


great regions trabalhadores rurais mercado de trabalho agricola salaried labor arket employment agriculture salarios agricolas polarization agricultura - brasil emprego employment quality

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