Saberes e praticas das parteiras tradicionais do Amapa : historias e memorias




This essay presents a combination of knowledge and practices which coumpound the work of the traditional midwives in four communities of the state of Amapá. The histories hereby told are living memories of 20 midwives who teU their experiences concerning normal delivery, the treatment of women, children and the community in the rural area and in the city outskirts. In this work we aim at showing that the knowledge of the midwives is present in the routine of the communities where they work in. The testemonies of the experiences which the midwives have been through are attempts to preserve their ancestors cultural values. After the inquerements about the present insertion of the midwives in the Public Politics, as weU as in the enabling project of the Sustainable Development Program (SDPA), we have observed that this is a way of controlling the midwives work in the state. Finally, we have shown that the legalization and acknowledgement of the midwives work depend on the political will on the part of people who rule Amapá


memoria saude parteiras parto normal tradição oral politicas publicas - amapa

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