Rubem Alves e o pensamento educacional-liberal : aproximações




This research lives a reorganization of the liberal speech in the education through the study of the pedagogical thought of Rubem Alves which comes c1oser to the principles of the "liberal escolanovismo" developed in Brazil since the decade of 30 and which is still an influence in the history of education. The analysis of the approaches of Alves s thoughts aIong with the "escolanovistas" proposals allowed us to infer that his speech, besides consisting an attempt of the reorganization of liberal views, points to the speech of transformation of the school as a way of changing the society. This way, we conc1ude that Alves s proposals, refering to the education, present many approaches as those of the New Education, mainly when it is related to the critical to the traditional education which prioritizes a distant knowing of the student universe as well significant as in the displacement of the axle of the school for the child, which is seen as the center of the teaching learning process


escola nova educação - historia liberalismo

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