Role of macrophages in the lymphocyte response to Actinomyces viscosus.


Macrophage cooperation has been considered necessary for lymphocytes to express a variety of their differentiated functions. We attempted to characterize macrophage-lymphocyte cooperation in response to a known periodontal pathogen. Actinomyces viscosus T14V. Using adherent murine cells and subpopulations of splenocyte cultures, we assessed the effect of A. viscosus T14V fractions on lymphocyte proliferation. We determined that (i) various fractions of A. viscosus induced different proliferative responses; (ii) the physical state of the A. viscosus component determined the degree of dependence on adherent cells for proliferation; (iii) the proliferative response to supernatants of sonicated A. viscosus involved interaction among adherent cells and T and B cells; and (iv) the effects of adherent cells on the proliferative response were due to cell-to-cell interactions.

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