Rio Parnaíba -- cidades-beira




This thesis deals with the history of the Parnaíbas river from 1850 to 1950. In this work we analyze the river as a social space in the context of social and regional changes. We approach the history of the steam navigation and its distinct representations using the relations of space, time and history. The navigation is presented as primordial resource to promote the development of the state of Piauí. Its implantation is explained by economic and politics forces driven by capitalist relations, considering national and regional dimensions. It talks about the process of economic incorporation of the region and consequently of the Parnaíba river to the country. This incorporation takes place in a moment of imperial politic power exerted with the development of the capitalism. In our work, we approach the national speech of the development and progress as modernity. Our analysis emphasizes the transformation of the river in liquid road and in main economic course that commercially integrated Parnaíbas city-side-river between itself and with the rest of the country and world. In consequence, the steam navigation was built along the Parnaíba River as a huge humanized landscape. In this direction, the steam navigation changed and configured the appearance of the Parnaíba valley. Its implantation, closely linked to the extractives, caused changes in the existing social structures and opened a new space for human and commercial relations of the region. Piaui, in its turn, inserted in the globalized market of the imports and exports. The exploration of the extractivist activities and its commercialization allied to the steam navigation were instruments that collaborated to the recognition of Parnaíba River as commercial integration river with strong international vocation. The work demonstrates that the river contributed to the occupation of the Parnaíba valley, having strong influence in the constitution and consolidation of the regional urban net. This process suffers a difficult moment after the World War II when products that were exported by the river lose importance in the international context. At the same time, there is a reorientation in the public politics that start to privilege the highways, causing a reorientation and change in social-spatial course of the region.


historia side-river cities transnacionalism navegação a vapor parnaiba river representações steam navigation transnacionalismo representations espaço-tempo cidades-beira rio parnaíba time-space

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