Rikbaktsa: um estudo  de parentesco e organização social / Rikbaktsa: a study of kinship and social organization




This masters thesis has the Rikbaktsa indigenous society, or Canoeiros - as they are locally known - as the research object. Located on the southwest of the Amazonian range, on the north-west of the state of Mato Grosso, the Rikbaktsa people comprise a population of approximately 1200 individuals. They are filiated to the linguist trunk of Macro-Jê and are equally divided into exogamic moieties organized into fatherhood clans. This research consist of an ample bibliographic account as well as a review and systematization of available data on the Rikbaktsa people, aiming not only to expose research and materials that has been produced regarding this society but also to establish a comparative interpretation with research carried out with other Jê-Bororo ethnic groups. In addition, a computational tool (MaqPar) has contributed to the production of new descriptions about the empirical system of alliance Rikbaktsa. Thus, this research has envisaged a thorough discussion of the social organization and morphology, the Macro-Jê linguist trunk within the Rikbaktsa society and its system of kinship along with the terminology associated.


sistema de parentesco macro-jê rikbaktsa social organization rikbaktsa maqpar kinship organização social macro-jê maqpar

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