Revisitando a trajetória de João Penteado: o discreto transgressor de limites. São Paulo, 1890-1940 / Revisiting the steps of João Penteado: a discreet limits breaker. São Paulo, 1890-1940




João de Camargo Penteado (1877-1965) was born in Jaú (SP). He was known in historiography as the principal of Escola Moderna N.1, an educational enterprise of the anarchists and their allieds in São Paulo. This research tries to disclose other faces of this personage of the history of education, using the notion of ideas society and ambience, working with primary new sources as his writings, institutional documents of the schools he created and conducted, and newspaper. He was anarchist and spiritist (a follower of Allan Kardec) and he worked like typographer, lecturer, writer and newspaper writer, teacher and school principal. He founded a commercial school in Belenzinho, a São Paulo district, called Academia de Comércio Saldanha Marinho. He also was the director of an association of education for the blind, APIT para Cegos.


história da educação spiritists espíritas são paulo first republic (brazil) são paulo primeira república history of education joão penteado anarchists joão penteado anarquistas

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