Resultado clínico e econômico de um programa de prevenção e reabilitação cardiovascular com ênfase no exercício físico / Clinical and economical result of a cardiovascular rehabilitation and prevention program with physical exercise




Cardiovascular rehabilitation is a safe treatment with a good benefit cost, this becomes regrettable the fact that there is a very insignificant number of this kind of services in Brazil. And because of this fact a great majority of patients remains lacking of these benefits. In the country (Brazil) the big loss of these programs and, consequently the absence of studies that can document the clinical and economic repercussion of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation corresponds to a big blank that needs to be filled in. This report aimed to analyse the clinical and economic result of a Program of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation called Unisaúde, created by the health plan Unimed Litoral, in Itajaí SC. The treatment clinical effectiveness was identified through the comparison between the results of the ergonometric tests carried out before and after the intervention; between the modifications of the risk factors for DAC (Total Cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, relation Total Cholesterol / HDL, arterial hypertension and triglicerídeos) and also the evaluation of the body composition (Body Mass Index - IMC e Relation waist/hip - RC/Q) before and after the implementation of the program. The economic result was verified through the comparison between the monthly expenses of the health plan before and after the beginning of the program. The study population was integrated by 96 clients of the Health Plan Unimed Litoral, divided in two groups of 48 persons ( Control group CG and Treatment Group TG ) of both sexes, with age ranging from 54 to 79, having cardiovascular illness or a high risk to develop it causing high expenses to the Health Plan. To interpret the results, descriptive statistics and variance analysis, T test paired and T test were employed. The TG presented, respectively values before and post : CT (mg/dL) 242,5 (48,32) and 189,47(39,83); LDLcholesterol (mg/dL) 162(37,72) and 116,3(33,28); HDL-cholesterol (mg/dL) 46,5(8,59) and 57,8(10,36); TG (mg/dL) 165,15(90,24) and 113,29(54,92); CT/HDL 5,42 (1,10) and 3,35 (0,81); VO2 max (mL/Kg/min) 26,92 7 and 32,64 5,92; IMC 29,35 (3,93) and 28,12 (3,55) for women and 29,17 (5,14) and 27,88 (4,83) for men; RC/Q 0,93(0,05) and 0,94(0,04) for women and 0,93(0,07) and 0,92(0,06) for men; PAS (mmHg) 151(13,89) and 132(9,56); PAD (mmHg) 83(8,07) and 77(5,92); monthly expenses GC (R$) 8.840,05 (5.656,58) and 8.978,32 (5.500,78); montly expenses TG (R$) 2.016,98 (2.861,69) and 1.470,73 (1.333,25). The results pointed out that the UNISAÚDE program presented an effective result in relation to the clinical and economic variables with significant differences (p<0,05 ) to the modifications of the risk factors, corporal composition and VO2 max. The expenses didnt show significant differences between the two periods, but there was a reduction in the absolute values of the expenses of the TG and an increase of the expenses in the CG after the Unisaúde term.


doenças cardiovasculares reabilitação cardiovascular exercício físico educacao fisica cardiovascular rehabilitation economic efectiveness efetividade clínica efetividade econômica exercise training cardiovascular illness clinical efectiveness

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