Resposta fisiológica e anatômica do açaizeiro e da palmeira real australiana ao sombreamento / Physiological and anatomical response of the assai palm and the king palm to the shading levels




The present work involves two species of producing heart of palm: assai palm (Euterpe oleracea) and the king palm (Archontophoenix alexandrae) with objective: to measure the agronomic and physiological characters, in 3 environments of luminosity, to study the anatomy of the palm and to evaluate the behavior of the two species in sight to direct the producer, in better luminous surrounding which must be planted the species. The assumed hypothesis was: the growth and development in conditions of different radiation, cause physiological and anatomical modifications that affect the performance of the plants and its production. The experiments were carried out in two places: the assai palm was carried out in Piracicaba (22o4211"S and 47o3809"W, 531 altitude m), and king palm was in Pirassununga (21º5946"S, 47º2533" W, and 627 altitude m). The crops were with 36 months of plantation in the field, there were established 3 treatments: full sun (PS), half shade (MS) and shade (S), in the plants populations there were made agronomic and physiological evaluations. For these characters a preliminary analysis of the data was developed to characterize the population used. It was calculated average, standard desviation and the coefficient of variation and the values maximum and minimum. The Tukey test was used adopting 5 % of mistake probability. The analyses had been complemented with the study of linear correlations, beyond the analyses histological and ultrastructural, the completely randomized delineation was used to evaluate the results. In the results observed in assai palm, for the character diameter of the trunk and palm girth (1, 2 and 3), the environment MS showed more adequate for a bigger diameter. The number of palm girth (CV 32%) for treatment PS was of 7,67, in MS 9,5 and shade 5,67, showing that it exists a bigger trend to find more number of girth in environments with more shade. Among the related characters, the ones that had presented greater variability had been the number of palm girth and leaf number, with CV 32 29%. Adopting the Tukey test it did not have significant difference in the studied parameters, showing that a trend in stabilizing the measures of agronomic character exists, independent of its luminosity. For the physiological characters during the experimental period it did not have difference enters the answers of the photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration. For the results of the king palm gotten the character leaf number (CV 7%), it is observed that the number of evaluated individuals (40 plants treatment) had been enough to constitute a representative sample of the population, having seemed to have little variability to be explored, this can have the restricted genetic base of the same one. The studied coefficients of variation had varied of 7 % (leaf number) 19% (average diameter of the plant). For the physiological characters it had significant difference between the characters. In the histological and ultrastructural analysis it had difference showing that cultivated plants at full sun environment have bigger parenchyma and bigger number of stomata.


assai palm fisiologia vegetal histologia vegetal sombreamento. king palm shade vegetal histology. açaí physiological plasticity palmeira

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