Responsabilidade ambiental em empreendimentos de turismo rural no Distrito Federal e entorno




This work intends to assess the level of compliance to the concept of environmental responsibility in rural tourism enterprises, such as Farmhouse Hotels located in GoiÃs State and BrazilÂs Federal District, in the Federal District and Surrounding Areas Integrated Development Region (herein called RIDE). The research evaluates entrepreneursâ level of commitment to environmental responsibility, based on the environmental performance showed. The survey was carried out through a questionnaire comprehending the ISO 14001:2004 norm and complemented by interviews with enterprises managers. Out of 14 enterprises registered at RIDE, 11 agreed to answer the questionnaire and welcomed the interviewer. The study demonstrated that environmental performance at farmhouse hotels is still incipient with regards to the criteria established by environmental management norms ISO 14001 and 14004 and to the concept of environmental responsibility presented by SA 8000. Though environmental management concerns entrepreneurs, social-environmental responsible actions, such as corporate responsibility linking business management to good social and environmental practices are not a priority for them when managing their businesses. Sustainable environmental practices are not systematically seen in the studied enterprises. For example, in the Planning and Coordinating criterion, only one enterprise scored 60% performance in the items evaluated. Also in the Infrastructure and Organization criterion, only one enterprise scored 40%; in Mobilization and Awareness Raising, two scored 40%; in Procedures, only one scored 50%; in Technology, two scored 50%; in Technology Maintenance, only one scored 30%; in Managing and Control, only one scored 50%; and in Results Assessment, all enterprises got null performance


responsabilidade social turismo environment environmental management gestÃo ambiental meio ambiente tourism social responsibility administracao de empresas

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