Resistência de genótipos de maracujá-azedo à bacteriose (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae) e à virose do endurecimento do fruto (Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus) / Resistance of passionfruit genotypes to the bacteriose (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae) and the virose of the hardening of the fruit (Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus).




The virose of the hardening of the fruit (Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus) and bacteriose, caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae is considered some of the main illnesses that reach the culture of the passionfruit one (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.). The objective of this work was to evaluate and to select material genetic resistant to these illnesses. The work consisted of four experiments lead in a greenhouse at the Biological Station of the University of Brasilia, being two to evaluate the resistance to virose and two to evaluate the resistance to bacteriose. In the four assays, in a randomized block experiment was used, with 4 repetitions and 12 plants for parcel, in project of subdivided parcel. In the first assay to evaluate the resistance to virose, 36 genotypes had been evaluated, at six times of evaluation. In as the assay, 18 genotypes had been evaluated, at ten times of evaluation. In the first assay for the evaluation of bacteriose, 18 genotypes had been evaluated, at four times of evaluation. In as the assay, 42 genotypes had been evaluated, at three times of evaluation. For the evaluation of the severity analysis note scales had been used, with variation of 1 the 4, in the case of virose and of 0 the 4, in the case of bacteriose. In reason of the existence of genetic variability intra and intervarietal in terms of resistance to the virus and the bacterium, searched to select resistant plants in each genotype, that is, election enters inside and of the genotypes. The genotypes had presented variability with regard to the resistance, being that in the first experiment to evaluate the resistance to bacteriose, four genotypes had been selected by presenting, to the end of the three evaluations, more than 30% of medium resistant plants, being they: Maracujá Moranga, RC-0-3, Vermelhinho and PES-7. In as the experiment, three genotypes had been selected by presenting, to the end of the four evaluations, more than 20% of medium resistant plants, being they: MAR20#12, RC-0-3 and MAR20#39. In the first experiment to evaluate the resistance to virose, six genotypes had been selected by presenting, to the end of the six evaluations, more than 80% of medium resistant plants, being they: MAR20#25, MAR20#06, Amarelo Arredondado, MAR20#07, Maguary FB-100 and MAR20#34. In as the experiment, five genotypes had been selected by presenting, to the end of the ten evaluations, more than 50% of medium resistant plants, being they: MAR20#12, MSCA, Vermelhinho, Yellow Master FB-200 and Maracujá Moranga. It enters the two methods of used inoculation of the bacterium, was observed that the method of the needle was adjusted, for being less drastic. Since all the program of genetic improvement aims at attainment of genotypes with multiple resistance the phytopathogens, it was observed in the present research that only genotype MSCA was considered resistant in such a way to virose how much to bacteriose.


endurecimento do fruto bacteriose maracujá resistência ciencias biologicas

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