Reproductive Growth and Dry Matter Production of Glycine max (L.) Merr. in Response to Oxygen Concentration 1


Reproductive as well as vegetative parameters of mature soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Wye) plants grown in chambers in which the aerial portion was exposed to altered pO2 during all or part of the growth cycle were measured. Oxygen concentration was found to be a key factor controlling all phases of reproductive development. Exposure to 5% O2 from early seedling stage to senescence increased leaf, stem, and root dry weights and reduced seed yields when compared to 21% O2; exposure to low O2 during the vegetative growth stage from early seedling to mid-flowering arrested pod but not seed development; exposure from mid-flowering to mid-pod filling almost completely arrested seed but not pod development; exposure from mid-pod filling to senescence arrested seed development at the mid-filling stage.

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