Repercussões da violência sob a gestação percebidas pelas gestantes com síndromes hipertensivas / Impact of violence in the gestation perceived by pregnant with syndromes hypertensives




This study has as object the pregnant perspective with hypertensive syndromes about the violence repercussions experiences in the pregnancy. It represents life threatening, produces illnesses and can provoke including the death. Several are the violence consequences for the womans health, particularly in the gestational process and in the being development. The study bases on knowing the phenomenon from the pregnant perspective. It has as objectives: describe the violence definition against the woman in the pregnant s point of view with Hypertensive Syndrome; discuss the types of violence experiences by pregnant women with diagnosis of Hypertensive Syndrome; and analyze the violence repercussions experienced about the pregnancy in the pregnant women s point of view with Hypertensive Syndrome that experienced it. Object complexity and subjectivity grade it decided for a descriptive research in the qualitative approach, once this aims at understanding an specific phenomenon in depth, having as primary source the subjects discourses, in other words, risk pregnant women interned in qualified maternity hospital with diagnosis of Hypertensive Syndromes and who experienced the violence. The research scenarios were two qualified maternity hospitals for high risk pregnancy, inserted in two university hospitals of the Rio de Janeiro city, being investigated 18 pregnant women. Investigation occurred in the period of April and May of 2008. As collection technique it was realized semi-structured interview linked to a questionnaire of social characterization of the research subjects. For the data deepening we utilized the content analysis of Bardin, where emerged from the depositions two categories: The violence in the pregnant women perspective with Hypertensive Syndrome a look from who experienced it; and Violence experienced by pregnant women with hypertensive syndromes and theirs repercussions. In the first we verified that 14 pregnant women define the violence against the woman as violation of the human rights and as something inherent to the familiar context and four presented difficulties in explaining such question .In the second, we verified that all the pregnant women relate that experience the intra familiar violence and any women, the community violence. Of the 18 pregnant women interviewed, 16 linked the violence experienced to the internment as result of the arterial hypertension. Relations were expressed through the violence repercussions experienced in the pregnancy about her organism, detached as emotional repercussions:: emotional, physical and social. The study allowed to know the reality and value context aspects of these pregnant women, mainly showing from the own victims, the importance of reflecting about the possible no physiological causes, such the violence, that can aggravate or even give rise to an arterial hypertension. It also allowed, understand and visualize the violence experienced by the pregnant in its several contexts: family, work, community where lives and in the hospital institution to one that recurs. We considerer be relevant arise to all historical-social context that envelop a pregnant, particularly the one that has a morbidity associated. And also, offer an integral care, that value the gender perspective, focused more in the health-disease process and in the humanization, therefore, minimizing the medical aid.


enfermagem na saúde e higiene da mulher enfermagem síndrome hipertensiva nursing gestação hypertensive syndrome enfermagem pregnancy hipertensão violência contra a mulher violence against the woman

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