Rememoráveis: uma poética visual sobre a ausência e o imaginário




This research systematizes the object-making process under a differentiated approach to relics, memory and history, for the purpose of crossing over limits to the use of art materials and techniques, conceptualizing remembrances and recollections in practical-theoretical reflections; a poetics creating an absence of imagery, a fabric of memory, distance, past, and longing. The importance of working with relics through artistic languages lies in revealing the shortening of distance between past and present, providing to contemporaneity the meaning of past as foundation for our actions. Based on the creative process for the construction of the work of art, as argued by Cecília Salles, I took on the concept of network creation as a way of understanding the implications in adopting this perspective when considering artistic practice. These ways of thinking and doing served as a guide and, indeed, provided the means for the selection of materials to occur upon the moment that the support could dialogue with the concept. I imagined each work and recorded them in studies, drawings, and drafts that served to prepare the pieces. Alterations made during the genesis of one of them corroborates how active this process is, filled with diverse possibilities. Facts remembered and lived were aggregated to the works, consciously or not, transforming into records of the past the pieces characterized by the absence of temporality in thought and creative act. I take St. Augustine and Henri-Louise Bergson as guiding Philosophers in order to understand questions related to time and memory. On specific moments I resort to Merleau-Ponty aspects) and Gaston Bachelard (furniture aspects). My approach toward the works of researcher-artists, such as Joseph Cornell, Farnese de Andrade, Sebastião Pedrosa, Graziano Spinosi, Anish Kapoor, Eriel Araújo, Graça Ramos, and Viga Gordilho is one of nearness and distance. Reflections and atelier practices have pointed toward paths and possible solutions involving dialogue with the spectator for the attainment of new knowledge. The synthesis of the research was shown in the exhibition Rememoráveis, with the display of three objects and six installations.


história artes plasticas memory presence/absence transparency past relic transparência presença/ausência passado history memória relíquia

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