Rememorando trajetorias da professora-alfabetizadora : a leitura como pratica constitutiva de sua identidade e formação profissionais




My purpose in this essay is to retrace the reading practices memories analysing a group of ten literacy teachers of the public school in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. It embraces as well a reflection on their formal education, having the reading practices as a focus of discussion. The starting-point is a research involvinga variety of disciplines, and I am taking the Cultural History and the literacy studies as a theoretical reference, considering the building of reading practices as derived from a social and cultural background. The methodology adopted is based in some suppositions of ethnography and oral history. It is important to emphasis e - considering that it is a study involving a variety of disciplines of the Linguistic- that the linguistic aspects are throughout the essay, using elements of analyses from the linguistic science itself. The methodological course of the research indicates the importance of the interaction between both part of the study (the teachers and the researcher) in order to bring their experiences to the public. The interactive process we had during this study brought clear indications of the possibility to build an exchange between the University and the literacy teachers from the public school. By analysing the teachers speech it was possible to verify the presence of the officialdiscourse, which is clearly noticed by their discrepant and fragmented narratives, by a inner contradiction of their discourse. In this heterogeneity I was able to identify some resistance and disruption towards the official speech. Through their narratives, it become evident a creative and imaginative way of reading, which indicates a unique reading practice, and revealing a variety of readers. Finally,I tried to indicate some contributionsof this study in terms of improvement in the formal education of these teachers regarding the reading practices issues.


leitura professores - formação memoria

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