Relative accessibility to urban spaces for pedestrians with mobility constraints / Acessibilidade relativa dos espaços urbanos para pedestres com restrições de mobilidade




The present works focus on the relative accessibility of urban open spaces for pedestrians with mobility constraints, based on the premise that urban open spaces are deficient with regard to the potential mobility of pedestrians and also that the situation can be aggravated by the particular travel conditions of the individuals. Therefore, the urban spaces deficiencies can be properly reduced if it is possible to assess their effect on the group of pedestrians with mobility limitations. In order to do so, the objective of this study was to formulate an evaluation model for mapping the relative accessibility of pedestrianspathways, in which the potential mobility conditions of particular groups were taken into account. The following groups of pedestrians were considered: wheelchair users, with visual disabilities, and with mobility constraints (e.g., elderly). Users without mobility constraints formed the control group taken as a reference of accessibility. The proposed model was initially based on a multicriteria evaluation, which was subsequently adjusted to show levels of relative accessibility. The entire model was developed in a Geographic Information System environment, what allows a visual comparison of the urban spaces conditions for the different groups of selected users. The method was applied in two university campuses, one in Brazil and one in Portugal, and the validation process involved two different methods. The results suggest that the model is an adequate and promising alternative to assess the potential mobility of particular pedestrians groups through the relative accessibility levels of urban open spaces.


pessoas com deficiência pedestres pedestrians with disabilities mobility pedestrians mobilidade pessoas com restrições de mobilidade people with mobility constraints accessibility acessibilidade

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