Relationships of microRNA expression in mouse lung with age and exposure to cigarette smoke and light


The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology


MicroRNAs provide a formidable tool not only in cancer research but also to investigate physiological mechanisms and to assess the effect of environmental exposures in healthy tissues. Collectively, cigarette smoke and sunlight have been estimated to account for 40% of all human cancers, and not only smoke but also, surprisingly, UV light induced genomic and postgenomic alterations in mouse lung. Here we evaluated by microarray the expression of 484 microRNAs in the lungs of CD-1 mice, including newborns, postweanling males and females, and their dams, either untreated or exposed to environmental cigarette smoke and/or UV-containing light. The results obtained highlighted age-related variations in microRNA profiles, especially during the weanling period, due to perinatal stress and postnatal maturation of the lung. UV light alone did not affect pulmonary microRNAs, whereas smoke produced dramatic changes, mostly in the sense of down-regulation, reflecting both adaptive mechanisms and activation of pathways involved in the pathogenesis of pulmonary diseases. Both gender and age affected smoke-related microRNA dysregulation in mice. The data presented provide supporting evidence that microRNAs play a fundamental role in both physiological and pathological changes occurring in mouse lung.—Izzotti, A., Calin, G. A., Vernon E. St., Croce, G. M., De Flora, S. Relationships of microRNA expression in mouse lung with age and exposure to cigarette smoke and light.

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