Regulação do gene gata3 humano pelo virus HTLVI




The HTLV-I nonstructural protein Tax plays a crucial role in cellular transformation. It activates the transcription factors of various cellular genes and interacts with cellular proteins. Limited data are available on the interaction between specific T cell transcription factor GATA3 and Tax. hnplication for the significance ofGATA3 on T-cell development and function, (Th2) differentiation, and a role ofGATA3 during immune response has been reported. To determine the effect of the Tax protein on GATA3 gene expression, we investigated the interaction between this protein and the GATA3 promoter and repressor regions. The semi quantitative RT-PCR demonstrated a considerable decrease in the expression of the GATA 3 cDNA all subjects infected by HTLV I and no expression of GATA 3 mRNA was observed in one subject with ATLL and another with HAM/TSP. Results demonstrated an interaction between Tax and GATA3 gene and a role ofTax in the negative regulation of GATA3 expression, through its interaction with the repressor, ZEB. This interaction may be involved in the pathophysiology of adult T cell leukemiallymphoma and tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-I-associated myelophathy


infecção linfoma - transmissão htlv (virus) fosfolipases

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