Regime jurídico da informação no mercado de capitais




Information is an asset of great value in the capital market, as so it must be regulated for the purpose of promoting the markets credibility and guaranteeing the investors trust. Therefore, this research was conceived with the objective of studying the juridical regimen of the information in the stock market, being the subject analyzed from a double perspective: the right of the shareholders to the information and, especially, the right of the market to the information. Related to this latter aspect, the adoption of the full and fair disclosure principle, that consists in the wide and honest revelation of information, as the market regulation philosophy, in the United States and in the whole world, must me examined. Moreover, regarding to the theme, it is necessary to consider the repression to the insider trading and the manipulation of the market as a consequence of the disclosure system. At last, it is important to detach the new instruments of information control, mainly those related to corporate governance and the new rules imposed by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.


regulação disclosure disclosure information mercado de capitais informação direito regulation capital market

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