Reforma agraria e pequena produção




The process of capitalistic development of agriculture imposes as a tendency for small production the disjunctive between modernization and its annihilation, which may exceptionallv be replaced by survival in precarious conditions. The evolution of technical progresso capital s basic form of domination of all production branches, including agriculture, makes the small farmer s modernization process íncreasingly difficult vís-à-vis the growing distance to be overcome. The studv of the agrarian reform experience carried out in the first half of the eighties indicates that no conditions have been created to allow modernization of small farmers on the scale required to make it possible for rural and urban miserv - the most visible forms of the Brazilian agrarian problem - to be surmounted. In view of the difficulties faced in modernizing small production, an attempt is made to devise alternative policies capable of raising the rural population s life standard


população rural - aspectos sociais reforma agraria - aspectos sociais economia agricola

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