Redes opticas WDM sem bloqueio




In the past few years, wavelength routing optical networks have been considered to be the most promising solution to provide capacity improvements face the ever-growing demands for bandwidth in telecommunications infrastructures. In that sense, this work deals with the ca1culation of necessary resources to the design of wide-sense non-blocking WDM networks, especially when it comes to the number of wavelengths. Several network topologies were studied under a variety of traffic demands. Nevertheless, special attention was dedicated to ring networks, since the ftrst wavelength routing networks are likely to be deployed as an evolution of the existing SONET/SDH networks. In addition, an analysis on the economical feasibility of lightpath networks when compared to WDM point to point links or hubbed networks has been included, along with issues on protection and restoration mechanisms agaisnt links or nodes failures


sistemas de telecomunicações comunicações oticas

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