Reação em progênies de maracujá-azedo à contracnose, septoriose, cladosporiose e bacteriose em condições de campo e casa de vegetação




The purpose of this study was the analysis and selection of passionfruit progenies which are resistant to anthracnosis (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), septoriosis (Septoria passiflorae), scab (Cladosporium herbarum) and bacteriosis (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae). Four experiments were done in the field, and two in the greenhouse. Randomized blocks with four repetitions, 14 treatments and eight plants per plot were managed in the field. The progenies MAR 20#36, MAR 20#09, MAR 20#03, MAR 20#23, MAR 20#46, GA2, AR 02, AR 01, FB 200, AP1, RC3, PCF-2, EC-RAM and FP 01 were evaluated in four different periods (December, January, February and March). Ten fruits per plot were randomly chosen during the harvest of the 14 genotypes, and the incidence and the severity of the diseases were considered. All progenies were partially susceptible to the diseases. There was no significant difference of anthracnosis severity among the progenies. RC3 showed the highest severity of septoriosis (2.94%). MAR 20#03, RC 3, MAR 20#36 and AR02 had different severities of scab compared to the other progenies (1.73% to 1.89%). In the bacteriosis analysis, AR02, A09 and MAR 20#36 showed the highest values (1.52% to 1.69%). In the greenhouse, four repetitions of randomized blocks were managed with 24 plants per plot, six periods of evaluation, totalizing 96 treatments. For the inoculum of C. gloeosporioides and X. axonopodis pv. passiflorae, 24 progenies were used. The progeny Gigante Amarelo was partially resistant to anthracnosis while the others were highly susceptible. All progenies were considered partially resistant to bacteriosis in the greenhouse.


maracujá xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae septoria passiflorae colletotrichum gloeosporioides fitopatologia cladosporium herbarum

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