(Re)descobrindo a dança em tempos pos-modernos




Dance inserted in na educational context, specifically in the context of Physical Education, should not have as target rigid teaching and coded technicals, but instead of this shold make the students to observe that they are able to dance, as well as leading them up rediscovering the possibilities of their own bodies, taking the opposite way to schooling. Taking decisions of different dynamics of time and space concerning movements, it means that somebody has to use its cognition to choose the best movement. In other words, it means that reunite the reasoning to the movement or the mind to the body, joining to this action its emotional aspect, wishing or not to expose themselves, allowing them to live something else, though it is not new. Waking up the kinesthetic sense, that of conscient proprioception, and not only eye sense, that is the most useelone in copying and in mechanical repetition of movements. Here are the described reflections conceming a working proposal, where students were invited to discover and to exteriorize their personal dancing, stimulating their own investigations and explorations of moving, having as basis the conscience of the body, and as means, dance strategies baseei on modern and post-modern poetics


pos-modernismo expressão corporal dança na educação

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