Racionalidades produtivas de assentados de Passos Maia ¿ SC


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Land reform, as a process which intends to give access to land possession and means of production to the rural workers who own little or no land at all, impacts not only in the field but also in society, economy and politics. There are regions in which it causes significant changes, not only in quality of life of the settled, but also in the development of the region and its surroundings. However, there are differences in some segments of society, which are opposed to land reform, that insist on the negative aspects of its constitution, claiming improductivity of the settlement, requiring that the properties irrespective of its size and use, generate profits compatible with the agricultural economy in market. To ensure quality of life to the settled, it is necessary to improve the economic, environmental and social sectors, which do not depend only on agents and external factors, but also on the choices and possibilities of each settled, which takes and important part in deciding and directing their productive system. This work aimed to study the rationalities involved in the productive systems of the settled, to understand what these rationalities are consisted of and whether there are influences on mediation and modernization in these choices. The studied area include the settlement of the city of Passos Maia, in Santa Catarina state. For this work, the settled were classified in the types, being interviewed ten settled workers in category 1 - production to marketing; ten settled workers in category 2 - Production for subsistence; and twenty-two in category 3 - production for marketing and subsistence. With the help of semi structured script, fortyeight interviews were carried out (forty-two settled workers and six local managers). For the data analysis, it was used qualitative (speech analysis) and quantitative methodology. Different relationship logics with agriculture, with society, with land and with work, lead to different productive systems, which are sometimes modernized, but not because of imposed mediation and these changes in production systems do not interfere in social relations of these settled. The motivation of these people to produce is related to the historical, social, cultural and economical aspects, being also connected to the focus on feeding their families or to the extra income. The truth is that the land intervention causes deep and permanent changes in the benefited lives and the reaction of these people to this new reality is expressed individually, being decisive for the success in the new life. This way, each settled needs, in some point, be considered individually.


rationalities passos maia (sc) assentamento rural reforma agrária productive systems sistema produtivo local land reform settled meios de produção trabalhadores rurais agricultura familiar

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