Quality of the services of the clinic of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of the University Center of Barra Mansa - RJ, after implantation of the model of management SUS / Qualidade dos serviços da clínica de Fisioterapia e Reabilitação do Centro Universitário de Barra Mansa - RJ, após implantação do modelo de gestão SUS




The quality concept was developed throughout the years for studious as Juran, Ishikawa, Feigenbaum, Crosby, Deming, amongst others. Respected the had partner-cultural contexts in which the cited theoreticians met inserted, all had been unanimous in choosing the emphasis in the customer as the main component of the theory of the quality. Although the concepts and techniques directed to the quality if have initiated in the industrial context, later, by means of complex and personalized adaptations, was transferred to also use it such concepts in the area of the health. The objective of the present dissertation consists of evaluating the quality of the services given for the Clinic of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of the University Center of Barra Mansa - RJ. The study it was developed next to 347 patients. In the development of the research an adaptation of the Servqual scale was used, instrument consecrated in studies on evaluation of quality in health services. Amongst the evaluated dimensions, the users had indicated "Reliability" as the most important parameter to evaluate the services given for the clinic. The dimension "Tangibles", that it says respect to the aspects of physical structure and equipment received the lesser indices from satisfaction amongst the other evaluated dimensions.


administracao public health. saúde pública. sus services of health qualidade quality serviços de saúde servqual

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