Qualificação e inserção profissional: o caso dos ex-bolsistas de doutorado de engenharias e ciência da computação no país, período de 1996 a 2003




Increasing knowledge accumulation is the main agent of nations economic and social development, suggesting the perspectives for the sustainability of social and economical development of a country . In this framework, intangible goods, such as human capital and its capacity of execute processes and innovate, are main strategic assets. The fomentation agencies - National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and Coordination of Improvement of Personnel of Superior Level (Capes) have supported for over 50 years training high-level human resources, thus strengthening the post-graduation system, bringing forth a growing class of doctors in different areas of knowledge. The present work seeks to analyze, by crossing data from the grant system of CNPq, the percentage of doctorate grant holders in the country in Engineering and Computer Sciences that indeed finished the doctorate from 1996 to 2003, as well as to identify the professional activity of those active in the fomentation system of CNPq. Initially, it states the development of doctors formation in Brazil and its relevance. Follows an investigation of former-grant holders ingression in the National Systems of Research and Teaching in Post-Graduation and a study of the migration of those who are out of those systems, however active in the Lattes Curriculum of CNPq, aiming the identification of their main professional activity. Next a brief report of the importance of training highly qualified human resources is made, particularly for the Engineering and Computer Sciences, for the sustainability of Brazilian development, reinforced by the appropriation of technical and scientific knowledge by engineers to transform them in new products and services or to improve the existent ones. This study conclusions indicate the need of setting an agenda, so the formation of highly qualified human resources will be adequate to market demands and to Brazilian aspirations in Science, Technology and Innovation, promoting the sustainability of its development.


bolsas de doutorado pós-graduação outros recursos humanos egressos

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