Qualidade total : proposta de um metodo para escolha da estrategia de implantação




Quality was implemented in Japan starting in the top position of enterprises and then flowing down to levels immediate underneath, so that the whole staff would then share the same idea. Such strategy became known as Top-Down. Due to cultural particularities in western countries and to organizational characteristics of each enterprise, it was necessary to adopt other strategies to make the implementation of quality possible in these countries. An array of options was then created. As a consequence, it became necessary to have a set of criteria to make it possible to select the best option to be implemented. Because there aren t such criteria, the choice has been made based on the projection of proven sucesses in organizations presenting certain similarities with the enterprises to be subjected to changes. There has been a lot of failures. At first, the implementation of quality was characterized as a cultural change, and the enterprises as complex systems. A study to identify the main points of concentration of persuasing forces was then carried out. The objective was to get to points with higher potential to start a process of cultural change. Among the main persuasive forces present in an organization, the most effective one is the authoritative power. It is the only force that can make a communication to be accepted as a norm of behavior. After analyzing the turn-over in charge of command, the study recommends to put in to evidence the charges with the least turn-over. These charges achieved a higher potential for the development of authoritative power and for the transmission of the new organizational values. The proposed method describes the steps to be followed in order to identify the most stable organizational level of any given organization. With this information, it is possible to select the most suitable strategy for such organization


autoridade mudança social estrategia persuasão (psicologia)

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