Qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de mulheres com câncer de colo uterino submetidas à radioterapia / Quality of life the women with cervical câncer submitted to the radiotherapy




Both the diagnosis of cancer of the cervix as the proposed treatments have different effects on womens lives. Factors provide physical and psychological impact that compromise the well being and quality of life, which justifies the need for an assessment of quality of life related to health, because although the cure of primary importance is the quality of survival should not be neglected. Studies to determine and evaluate the functional results of different therapeutic modalities in the vision of patients, as studies of quality of life related to health, are becoming essential. May contribute to better define strategies for treatment and the decisions of the various professionals involved in care, the actions of rehabilitation programs and communication between care teams and patients. In this context, the objectives of this study were: to evaluate the quality of life related to health of women with cancer of the uterine cervix before radiotherapy, identifying the sociodemographic factors, clinical and related to sexual life, predictors of quality of life. We studied 149 women aged from at least 18 years, diagnosed with cancer of the cervix and subjected to radiotherapy alone, adjuvant or concomitant chemotherapy in the last 2 years with follow minimum of 3 months at the time of data collection. Were assessed through semi-structured interview and standardized questionnaire, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-cervix cancer (FACT-Cx). The findings of the study concluded that the HRQOL of women survivors of cervical cancer that composed the sample was evaluated positively and that have a good / very good perception of health status contributes to the increase in the assessment of HRQOL in this sample of women with cancer of the cervix


nursing enfermagem qualidade de vida cancer of the cervix quality of life câncer de colo uterino

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