Psychological evaluation: the social and family perspective on complementary strategies for the clinic practice of children / Avaliação psicológica: a perspectiva sócio-familiar nas estratégias complementares à prática clínica infantil




The psychological evaluation of the child stresses the importance of studying the familiar dynamics as an indispensable procedure, though it does not confine in itself the whole universe of relationships linked to the child. Studies on psychological evaluation, particularly the ones based on a comprehensive model, point to the need of considering the integration of psychological, familiar and social aspects. However, the analysis of social and environmental aspects regarding child’s difficulties in school is scarcely systematized, in spite of its importance. This study examined cases of psychodiagnosis of children with school difficulties aged between 7 and 10, in two different periods of time, in 1983 and in 2001. It aimed to describe and propose strategies complementing diagnostic procedures, as the Home Visit and the School Visit. In order to proceed to a historical comparison, the study analyzed 164 files of a School-Clinic, in terms of absolute and relative frequencies, of which 116 ((70,73%) were from 1983, and 48 (29,23%) from 2001. Following, the study did qualitative analysis of six cases of child’s difficulties in school, in which the Home Visits and School Visit proceedings are described. The results of the files analyses showed that, in spite of the growing development of techniques and other resources for the psychological diagnosis, few changes have occurred in a period of 18 years, concerning proceedings, tools and numbers of sessions. It was noticed the preponderance of an evaluation focused on the children and their difficulties only. The data substantiated the proposal of additional strategies as the Home Visit and the School Visit, thus reaching a social dimension enriched by the clinical reasoning. The totality of the cases presented showed how the visits could contribute with valuable information for a more contextualized diagnostic reading, and also for a more sustained return interview, making it more suitable to the reality of the child, the family and the school. The adoption of these proceedings did not replace, nor did it prevail over other resources. Also, these proceedings do not constitute a standard tool to be used in any kind of school complaint. But, together with the other proceedings, they helped to broaden the diagnostic understanding by allowing the direct observation of the spaces of significance for the child with school difficulties.


dificuldades escolares school difficulties escolas psychological assessment schools família avaliação psicológica family psicodiagnóstico psychodiagnosis

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