Psicanálise e educação: a construção do vínculo e o desenvolvimento do pensar na prevenção de agravos




The main theme of this thesis is to investigate, in the process leading from immaturity to maturity, how Psychoanalysis can contribute to Education. The foundations of the development of human beings are defined in the first years of life. Parents and teachers, charged with supporting this development through different functions either as models for identification or as mental health agents need to be looked after and supported in order to be able to take care and detect in a timely manner the signs of mental deterioration that are evident from the most tender childhood. This work is grounded on the thought of Sigmund Freud as theory, therapeutic method and investigation of the unconscious; and, primarily, on the ideas of Wilfred Bion about the connection between thought and emotion, using a model in which thinking and knowing come about through motherly love, expressed through reverie the mother s alpha function introjected by the baby s mind, allowing it to think an object even when she is absent. The mind depends on this psychoanalytic function to build the knowledge we all need to develop ourselves. Structured to comprehend intra-, inter- and transpersonal planes, this thesis aims to show how Psychoanalysis instruments may contribute to build the connection and to develop thinking; and tries to demonstrate the need of joint work regarding Family, School and Society, using psychoanalytical principles, in order to reduce grievances


fracasso escolar maturidade -- aspectos psicologicos bion, wilfred ruprecht -- 1897-1979 psicanalise e educacao freud, sigmund -- 1856-1939 psychoanalysis and education psicanálise e educação psicologia

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