Prova de carga rápida com recalque estabilizado / Stabilized settlements by quick maintained load test




The slow mantained load is a traditional test in foundations engineering worldwide. Nevertheless, its implementation may take too long, so there have been attempts to reduce its duration. The quick mantained load test, in other hand, takes only a few hours to be accomplished and the obtained settlements are lower than the slow maintained load test. The method of equilibrium is an attractive option. It seems to combine the advantages of these two methods, using maintained load at the beggining of the stage and then allowing to freely decrease the load to reach its equilibrium. This study compares these three methods in two conditions: non-flooded and flooded colapsive sandy-soil model.


bearing capacity colapsive soil method of equilibrium método do equilíbrio ensaio de placa prova de carga load test solo colapsível recalque settlements plate load test capacidade de carga

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