Propuesta de una herramienta didáctica basada en la V de Gowin para la resolución de problemas de física


Rev. Bras. Ensino Fís.




This paper presents a didactic tool, based on Gowin's Vee, and whose purpose is to facilitate a meaningful learning which allows students to deal with solving physics problems in a creative and constructive way. For that reason we have developed a template which guides the resolution of problems, relating conceptual contents with the procedural ones and which has been applied to the dynamic units appearing in the official curriculum of the high-school courses of physics and chemistry. 43 students participated in this experience, divided into two groups. The first one was formed by students who followed the method proposed in this paper and the other by those who followed the traditional method. A pretest and a test about dynamic knowledge were given, and a study was carried out of the evolution of the resolution of problems before, during and after the instruction on Gowin's Vee. The analysis of the results shows that the method of problem solving by using Gowin's Vee improves the quality of student learning, increasing not only their abilities to solve physics problems but also their abilities to understand concepts related to dynamics issues.

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