Proposta de instrumento para análise do processo da inteligência organizacional




Organizational Intelligence can be classified of two forms, as a product and as a process. First, it consists more of the result generated for the conditions adjusted and nourished by the knowledge, practical cultures and in the organization. Second, it is formed for five components: memory, cognition, learning, communication and organizational reasoning. The proposal of this research is to identify to a theoretical referencial on these boardings, to analyze Organizational Intelligence as product and process, using as reference the bibliography and the application of instruments of collection of data in a company of the segment of telecommunications. One of the instruments of collection of data was used of integral form, in the boarding of product of the Organizational Intelligence, and the other was constructed from the analysis of the revision of the literature of process of the Organizational Intelligence. The questionnaires were applied in the organization and the approaches followers are in what refers to the concepts of Organizational Intelligence. The results are related in the research by means of the identification of the existing gaps and serve as subsidies for corporative actions in what it refers to the aspects that compose the boardings of product and process of Organizational Intelligence.


processo de inteligência empresa - telecomunicação; teoria organizacional organizational intelligence process of intelligence inteligência organizacional product of intelligence produto de inteligência administracao

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