Proposta de aplicação da e-democracia à propriedade transnacional




The area of concentration of this work is Foundations of Positive Law and the line of research is Hermeneutics of Constitutional Principles, the object of which is the application of E-Democracy to transnational property. This work begins by discussing the concept of Property in the first Chapter. The foundations of property are presented, from ancient times, through to the Greeks, the Romans, the Middle Ages, and the French Revolution, up until the present day, in order to understand the various types of property that exist today, including the type considered the most important - transnational property. The second Chapter is dedicated to Democracy, addressing the bases and history, its types, and finally, the regulatory models proposed by Jürgen Habermas, and the third Chapter deals with the importance of studying the challenges presented by information and communication technologies. The final chapter analyzes the social transformations dictated by the advance in technologies, presenting a general outline of this scenario and the prospects for electronic institutions to assist the population in reviving democracy and to aid public decision making. The Final Considerations address the responses to the hypotheses raised, suggesting the possibility that information and communication technologies contribute as a new institution of mass electronic participation, ending with a proposal for an electronic portal that will promote this effective participation and greater interaction between the governing and the governed, time and space no longer being an issue


e-democracia direito propriedade transacional direito

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