Proposta de aferição da competitividade em função da correlação de parametros organizacionais e de disponibilização de informações




This work deals with the development of a model to evaluate the competitiveness of the organizations focalizing the aspects related with: parameters refering to organization (with characteristics of the learning organizations), information systems, performance measures and standards of competitiveness. Cause and effect relationships are established and pondered among the elements of these components, through the use of matrices of correlation and a reference model is obtained. It is discussed the application of the model in companies through the use of a questionnaire and how, starting from the answers to the questionnaire it is applied the data in matrices of correlation seeking the relations among various components of the model. The model is applied in four companies, determining the degree (state) of competitiveness of them having as basis of comparison the reference model. Therefore, it is possible to determine how each company is placed, with relationship to its degree of competitiveness, and where it could be if it had used appropriated means


desempenho aprendizagem organizacional indicadores sistemas de informação gerencial

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