Propagação in vitro de Anacardium othonianum rizz., uma espécie frutífera e medicinal do cerrado / In vitro propagation of Anacardium othonianum rizz., a savannah fruiting and medicinal species


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Anacardium othonianum Rizz., known as caju de árvore do cerrado, is a fruiting and medicinal species native of the savannah ecosystem, with great economic potential. Since agricultural expansion in the savannah was followed by the reduction of native vegetation, micro propagation has significantly contributed for the propagation of several species, resulting in uniform healthy seedlings for commercial plantings and the revegetation of degraded areas. This study used techniques to determine some factors affecting micro propagation of A. othonianum Rizz, since there are no reports for this species in the literature. The results indicate that storage conditions for the seeds were good to supply explants for use in the micro propagation trials for up to 275 days. The media MS (50 and 25%) and WPM (100 and 50%) were more effective for the regeneration of seedlings from nodal segments, and the best medium volume were 15 and 25 mL in test tubes containing the medium MS (50%). The culture media amended with up to 8.88 mM BAP and 4.44 mM ANA had no effect on the multiplication of nodal segments. Also, the best morpho-physiological response was obtained by inoculating the nodal segments horizontally, in the presence of light, and sucrose and the cotton plug affected the adaptation of A. othonianum Rizz. seedlings produced in vitro.


caju fotoautrófico micropropagação agronomia cashew photoautotrophic micropropagation

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