Projeto e construção de equipamento eletromagnetico para a produção de materia-prima para tixoconformação de ligas metalicas / Design and development of an electromagnectic equipment for the production of raw material for thixoforming of metal alIoy




This work relates the design and development of an equipment capable of modifying the morphology of primary phase during solidification of metal alloys, differentiating such structures ftom those dendritic obtained in conventional solidification. In this process turbulence is imposed to the liquid metal by means of a external force with the purpose of modifying the morphology of the growing solid, resulting in pre-rheocast structures. In the idealized equipment a rotating magnetic field is used to provide the necessary stirring in the Liquid. This work involves design, building and assembling of the equipment, as well as preliminarytests to analyse the efficiency of the equipment to produce ingots of the alloy AA 2011 with pre-rheocast structures. Different stirring times (230 and 330 s) and type of movement (normal or reverted) were utilized in the tests, while power and freezing rate in the material were kept constant (1040 W and 20 DEGREES /min., respectively). Results showed the efficiency of the designed equipment in the production of ingots with fine, equiaxial and homogeneous macrostructure and microstructures presenting highly ftagmented dendrites, with values of morphology index varying ftom 2 to 3 for all operational conditions tested. Those values of morphology index can be considered excellent for a material to be utilized as raw material for forming in the semi-solid state or thixoforming


ligas (metalurgia) fundição thixoforming rheocasting ssm solidificação electromagnetic stirring semi-solid alloys

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