Professor/a pesquisador/a : as (im)possibilidades da pesquisa-ação no cotidiano escolar de docentes de Educação Física


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Based on empirical study of Physical Education teachers from the City Department of Education of Vila Velha, this dissertation tried to understand how an experience of teacher training, substantiated on action research, can contribute to the formation of teacher as researcher of their pedagogical practice. It aimed to identify the extent to which an experiment with action research can help teachers incorporate research in their teaching and also to identify to what extent this is possible, considering the concrete conditions of everyday school. The production of the data was from memorials and reports prepared by the teachers, field diary, participant observation, interviews, taped conversations and transcripts, copies of emails from teachers, meeting reports and photos. When thinking about the training of researcher teachers, we must also take into consideration the policies adopted for this training, the different material contexts, teacher training and the desire to put into question their pedagogical practice. The study meetings of the training network about experiences ("Sobre-vivências") and the methodology of action research is constituted in a social gathering to search for a pedagogical practice investigative thinking, in which they experienced feelings of anxiety, host, discussion and problematization on the problems and difficulties that depotentiate the teaching activities in daily life. For the creation of a research practice based on solidarity, through action research, it is necessary to produce a brand new rhetoric, in which teachers become subjects and can create on their own arguments that boost themselves to constitute researchers of their practices. Besides becoming and assuming as subjects, we must also recognize the other as a producer of knowledge. Thus, knowledge is seen as a production that takes the path of solidarity, understood as knowledge and acknowledgment.


educacao fisica pesquisa-ação professor pesquisador formação docente action research researcher teacher teacher training

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