Production, quality, physiologic and biochemical parameters of lettuce under soil less with saline waters / Produção, qualidade e parâmetros fisiológicos e bioquímicos de alface sob hidroponia com águas salinas




Before the forescast of shortage of water in the world, becomes necessary to develop technologies that allow the reuse of saline waters. The NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) is a cultivation technique soil less that allows to obtain products of high quality, larger production for area, minor expense of water and agricultural inputs, contributing with the preservation of the natural resources and environment. A lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is the most important vegetable produced in the hydroponic system (NFT). The use of saline water in the production of vegetables constitutes in the moment essential activity, tends in view the increase of the demand of fresh water, so much for the agricultural activity as for the urban and industrial supplying. The objectives of the work were: i) to evaluate the growth, the production and quality of two cultivates of lettuce (Verônica and Pira Roxa) cultivated in hydroponic system NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) with the use of saline waters in the preparation of the nutrient solution and replacement of the evapotranspiration along the cultivation cycle; ii) to evaluate quality, the physiologic and biochemical parameters (nitrate, chlorophyll and prolina content). The experiments were carried out in atmosphere protected on the experimental area of the Irrigation and Drainage Section of the University of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP), Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The experimental design used was randomized blocks. It were evaluated five salinity levels obtained with the addition of NaCl that resulted in different electrical conductivities of the water (0.42, 1.53, 3.52, 5.55 and 7.43 dS.m-1); and two cultivated variety of lettuce Verônica and Pira Roxa. The results revealed that the salinity of the water reduced the growth and production in a decreasing lineal. The tolerance to salinity of the lettuce cultivated variety Verônica was superior in relation cultivated variety Pira Roxa. The salinity altered the contents of nitrate, prolina and chlorophyll, being the superior effect in the cv. Pira Roxa, denoting to be a defense mechanism the salinity. The commercial productivity was obtained a loss of 69% and 64% for cultivated variety Pira Roxa and Verônica, respectively, when more saline water was used (7,43 dS.m-1). The results obtained in cultivation system NFT they can indicate the possibility of the use of the saline water as alternative for production of vegetables for producers that has availability of saline water and restricted of fresh water.


salinity waters alface lettuce hidroponia. Águas salinas soil less.

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