Production cost-effectiveness of large-scale meals regarding food safety, comparing the conventional and the cook-chill systems / Custo-efetividade da produção de refeições coletivas seguras sob o aspecto higiênico-sanitário em sistemas cook-chille tradicional




Cost-effectiveness of two food service units that use different foodservice systems - the cook-chill and the conventional systems - for preparing large-scale meals is assessed by using the cost-effectiveness analysis. Food safety criteria were used as effectiveness indicators for preparing meals in the two different foodservice systems. Time and temperature criteria were used as assessment tools, as established in the Brazilian legislation. Differential direct costs such as cost of food, cost of labor, cost of equipment, and cost of energy source (electricity or gas) used in each system were used to determine costs. Differential direct costs observed were R$ 0.693 per meal served at the food service unit 1 (conventional system) and R$ 2.665 per meal served at the food service unit 2 (cook-chill system). As for effectiveness, food service unit 1 meets time and temperature criteria in 27.9%, and food service unit 2, in 68.2%. Costs were 3.84 higher for food service unit 2. However, this unit was also 2.48 more effective. Food service unit 1 presented the best cost-effectiveness ratio ? 2.484 compared to 3.907 for food service unit 2. Compliance level to international regulation regarding the cook-chill system was also assessed. Food service unit 2 does not comply with the basic principles of the cook-chill system.


nutrição alimento - contaminação cook-chill cook-chill food service

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