Produções teoricas na area de gestão e avaliação em saude : o esforço de construção de um novo paradigma organizacional




The aim of this study was to identifYdoctoral theses on the subject of health management and evaluation,defended between 2000 and 2004 in the main Brazilian universities, which are linked to Talcott Parsons structural functionalism, and to identifYthe degree to which new theoreticalreferences points are being incorporated into study ofheath organizations. First, it was sought to identifYthe confinement of the doctoral theses to Parsonianism by using the conceptof organizational macro-rationalitycreated by cecmo, to demonstrate the normative assumptionsmade by organizationalleaders who believe that every organization functions in the same way and with the same objectives. Next, it was formulated three ideal types based on outcomes of the Human Sciences field. These ideal types named "Theoretical Production Fields" were: Universal Productions Field (CPU - Campo de Produções Universalistas), Particular Productions Field (CPP - Campo de Produções Particularistas), and Singular Productions Field (CPS - Campo de Produções Singulares). With these types in mind it was performed a careful reading of the theses in order to identify if other theoretical references points have been incorporated by these authors. It was supposed that a large ofthis outcome was still confined to a structural-functionalistic reference point that superimposes the structure and the rules to the individuais, in contrapositions to their creative actions. Therefore, this contributes to the reproduction of organizations and limits the social changes. The empirical material showed that some of the theses are still confined to, or seduced by, the former reference point, even if only partially. It is possible to identifYthe searching for; new paradigmsto understand the reality in which they find themselves. In the theses some limitations were pointed out, such as: inadequate theoretical references for topics being researched, references used in an attempt to hide either positions or projects taken previously by researches


sistema de saude desenvolvimento organizacional modelos organizacionais administração publica - brasil medicina social analise organizacional

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