Produção e decomposição de coberturas vegetais de inverno e sua influência na infestação  e fitossociologia de plantas daninhas / Production and decomposition of winter cover crops and their influence in the infestation and phytosociology of weeds




Besides contributing to aspects related to soil protection, the cover crops also contribute to the weeds suppression during the counter season. Aiming to analyze the potential of species used as winter cover crops in winter management, two experiments were set up in areas located at the Vegetal Production Departament at ESALQ/USP, in Piracicaba SP, during 2008. The cover crops used were: Raphanus sativus L. (oilseed radish), Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower) Avena strigosa Schreb (sand oat), Avena bysantina L. (red oat), Vicia sativa L. (common vetch) and Sorghum bicolor L. Moench (sorghum). The last cover crop mentioned was not used in the second area. A phytosociological study of weeds was made in both experimental areas. An evaluation of mass yield, weeds identification and collection and a decomposition rate evaluation were also performed. The weeds communities showed changes in their floristic composition according to the cover crop used. D. horizontalis was the most important species in the first area, showing high values of relative importance, whereas G.parviflora was the most important in the second one. The use of cover crops during counter season can contribute to reduce weed infestation in the subsequent crop. Sunflower was the cover crop wich produced the greatest amount of dry mass per hectare, however, the oat varieties showed the best ability to suppress weeds. Those were the species that took more time to decompose, showing a longer half life compared to the other cover crops, it is, It was required, on average, 144 and 119 days for the decomposition of half of sand oat and red oat mass, respectively. Common vetch and oilseed radish were the cover crops that showed the fastest decomposition.


soil cover decomposição biológica plantas daninhas - manejo vegetal communities biological decomposition weed management cover crops. plantas para cobertura. cobertura do solo comunidades vegetais

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