Produção academica de enfermeiros brasileiros sobre a utilização do brinquedo no hospital




Nursing care of children has undertaken significant changes in the last years, concerning humanization of care. In this scenery, playing appears as a facilitator in the relationships between nurse, child and family. It is present as one?s everyday action through all life and, particularly during childhood, it has a special meaning, helping in child development as well as in coping difficult situations. Hospitalization during childhood brings harm to child development, which can be agreeabled through the use of toys. The objective of this work was to identify and analyze Brazilian nursing studies, papers and thesis regarding the use of toys in the hospital. The search was undertaken through web gates such as CEPEn, IBICT, as well as references of thesis and libraries in Brazilian universities. Data were analyzed using a qualitative approach based in MINAYO (1996), to identify how the playing has been used by nurses during hospitalization and the results obtained with its use. The most frequent objectives found in the works and articles refer to child experiences during hospitalization; behavioral changes through playing; the influence of illness on child?s life; toys as a way of communication; and the meaning and importance of the toy for the professional, as well as difficulties to its implementation. The situation when the toys were most frequently used was in pre and post surgery procedures, followed by hospitalization, health care units and the use of toys as method for collecting data. Analysis of the published results focused on the effects of playing with toys on children. The analysis was carried out separately according to the setting where it was used. In pre and post-surgery occasions, playing with toys facilitated communication, though and integration between child and nurse; it helped in acknowledge fears; it contributed on behavioral changes and catharsis, as well as a way of teaching. During hospitalization, children changed their behavior into a more interactive one, verbalizing their satisfactions, fears and anxiety, as well as improving playing and joy in hospital environment. In basic health care units, playing eased the expression of feelings, the integration with nurse and family, and was a way of making possible the catharsis of child?s anxieties and the its understanding of the disease, changing their behavior, besides its therapeutic role. Toys were essential in pediatric nursing research in order to obtain data, since they provided a way for a freer self-expression. We conclude that toys are an essential tool in child care, although technical issues still prevail; academic nursing researches about the use of toys in the hospital setting assure the positive results of this practice. Therefore we recommend their use by pediatric nurses, not only in hospital environment but in all places where children need care: either in residence, in nurseries, schools or basic health care units


enfermagem e pesquisa - brasil jogos e brinquedos enfermagem pediatrica

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