Processos de trabalho: a transição do modelo assistencial na saúde a partir do PSF de Campo Bom, RS




The study identifies the work processes characteristics in health, from the perception of professionals about attendance practices, relations in the health team, and integrality, as interference mechanisms in the process of health assistance model transition onwards. It is an exploratory study of qualitative nature in a Family Health Unit in the City of Campo Bom/RS. The data collection method was group-focused. The sample is made-up by a physician, a nurse, two nursing technicians, six community health agents, one dentist, one dentist assistant, and one administrative agent. The data were worked through theme content analysis. The engagement of the Family Health Program professionals to organize their work processes in order to implement the model of health user-centered was identified, highlighting the attendance practices, issues related to the health team, and with indications of the health model implementation based on integrality. However, a paternalist trend was identified in the health team actions, as well as a strongly impregnated work through the physician-centered model


modelo assitencial serviço integrality saúde pública rio grande do sul work processes programa de saúde da família saude coletiva health model brasil family health program administração sistema único de saúde política social município

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