Processos de estigmatização e contornos da deficiência : olhar para o cinema, olhar para as (im)possibilidades de ser


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation¿s objective is the analysis of processes of stigmatization that limit spaces of belonging and the possibility of growing up of the subject with disabilities that are considered deviant, offering visibility to the respective naturalization dynamics, using cinema as a support tool. In this context, the spaces of belonging, as possibility of mutual identification and approximation between subject and place, and the growing up process, understood as the form of continuous stigmatization practices. These practices tend to offer rigid demands and expectation on the subjects, making references to the standards of normality that are socially created and shared. The processes of stigmatization will be understood in their complexity, as relationship between attributes existent in language, that is, as consensual coordination of conduct. The language will, in this way, be understood under a systemic perspective according to authors such as Humberto Maturana and Gregory Bateson. The stigmatizing processes, through the recurrence of their enunciations, make themselves natural in day-to-day discourses, becoming visible, in this study, through movie narratives, chosen both by their complementary character, and because they are representative of the great range of cinematographic productions with disability as a theme: ¿I am Sam¿ (2001) and ¿Precious¿ (2009) are objects of analysis on this work. The movies were analyzed in their totality through the attribution of meanings to the narrative related to the cinematographic language, through three dimensions - the specular, the symbolic and the irruptive - rescuing, respectively, what can be described, the attached meanings and the possible relations with the stigmatisation process.


estigma special education disability adulto cinema stigmatization deficiência growing up educación especial discapacidad estigmatización adultecer cine

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